A Winding Road to Sanity

A few weeks ago I had a sudden urge to start utilizing more creative outlets in my life. I started blogging, I began cooking every night instead of only three or four nights a week, trying new recipes on old friends, working on projects such as baby showers and gave my self a way to get away from drowning in the day to day monotony of life. Now that I have more free time on my hands I have really been getting into this side of me. Brown County yesterday with my Gramma and cousins was a blast, and being with a family that believes in me and the few “talents” I have really made my day.

Becca and Sophie
 We drove down for a celebration of sorts and had a terrific ladies’ day. Shopping, eating sunfries, seeing  old friends, making my 6 year old cousin cry, getting her ice cream because I made her cry. *note to self: no more scaring her… she doesn’t dig it. We ended our day with going into a couple of unique shops, one being half indoors/half outdoors that really was fantastic. I just kept saying “I wanna do this, I wanna do this.” I mean seriously a shop that just has flowers and curtains and candles hanging from the ceiling with fountains everywhere, I was back to being 6 and dreaming of what perfect looked like. So aside from the crying bit, it was a wonderful day… topped off with a drive home on gravel roads with hairturn pins through the woods which gave me just enough serenity to clear my head.

Lately within my friends and family it has been suggested that I begin doing a second blog, one devoted to the recipes I am trying every day. I think fall in itself inspires me to cook, the warm colors, the smell of apples and pumpkins, bonfires burning, tailgating parties. Fall is by far my favorite time of year and I often do my best cooking in the fall as a reflection. It also doesn’t hurt my favorite holiday falls tomorrow and the festivities are tonight!!! So today I’m making sugar cookies for the costume party! I made my dough from scratch yesterday now, today I’m making my icing and decorating. And yea, duh, I’m not some 3 year old with his mom’s icing… I’m doing these up. ((Hmmm maybe flying cupcake is hiring)) But in all seriousness I just might or start doing something with all these fabulous ideas I have :) 

So this morning as I sit utterly enthralled with my pumpkin latte, my DMB Live at Wrigley jams, the smell of fall and cookies in my house and the apprehension of probably having one of the best damn costumes at the party tonight, I realize, I’m pretty okay.


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