Hypothetically speaking...he drives me insane.

I realized something today.  If I really want to blog about something, I can't.  For instance if I want to blog about the myriad of issues in my life regarding the male species, their inability to effectively communicate and the gross amount of utter disdain I have for some; I can't.  Reason being, most every guy that makes me feel this way is either on my facebook or aware of this blog, and although I have more than one or two guys in my life, they would probably figure out pretty soon that I was talking about them.

I have even gone to the extreme of blocking some of my posts on FB from a "group" I have created that is purely of guys I talk to, so none of them can tell when or if I am out and who it is with.  I know, extreme, but if you accidentally post about running into someone at a bar and someone you weren't out with finds out it may cause chaos. (in the same sense that the previous sentence you had to read twice to understand, kinda chaos.)

Not every guy I talk to has an issue, some are genuinely great and a trip to hang out with.  I recently dated an amazing guy, who was by my accounts too amazing for my dreadful soul. In these few and far between instances, it's awesome! If you are one of these "awesome" guys...please, don't read any further and have a nice day. :)

If not...

Hypothetically speaking, if I was dating someone that was insecure in our relationship, it would drive me to the brink of insanity!  The brink of insanity coming by way of constant "What ya doin?" texts, in direct relation to the fact they damn well know I am dating other people and want me to tell them if I am out on a date with someone else.  I am a person who by all accounts isn't ready to settle down immediately, I absolutely love being 20-something and going out on dates 2 or 3 times a week with different guys.  Why?  Because I finally now realize just how many different personalities there are in this world and how many of them I can't stand. A few of these personalities I have found multiple times and across the board they are all the same.

Such as the:
"I'm extremely insecure and socially awkward, yet financially set so I don't care" dude...
"I'm going to play it cool and act like I don't care, but if you don't text/call me back I'm going to be all butt hurt and play it up for the next 3 days" guy...
"I think I have game, but really I hit you up on facebook and just want you to come "hang" at my house, because I only have one thing in mind" weirdo... (the amount of these guys could start a new, pathetic population on the islands of Lonelyville and Jackoffistan.)
"We used to date, and then I moved on for someone else and now regret that decision, but don't regret it enough to make up for it" guy...
"I wanna hang with you, but only when the girl I'm actually seeing is being lame" asshole...

Since I am speaking purely hypothetically, none of these guys actually exist, and if they do we'll see if any of them read this shit (my vote is no-way-in-hell) and either fix their issues or just leave me be.  So hypothetically speaking if I actually knew anyone with the above mentioned characteristics I would be going insane and really want to blog about it!  However, since I know nobody like these hypothetical guys...I'm going to sit here, drink my coffee and wish I could blog about it. 


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