Sisley, Me, Jess & AC |
So this weekend I headed out on Saturday, armed with a cheesecake, salsa, chips and a growler of my favorite, WeeMac from Sunking. No this wasn't a picnic, nor was I running away with all the essentials, lucky for me I was on my way to a girls night in. Every few months or so my girlfriend tries to get her closest friends together for a night of fun and feasting, and like before, this weekend was great. We played "
Pin the Junk on the Hunk" drank lots of adult beverages, devoured tons of cheesecake, swapped spooky stories and listened to the drama of each others lives. I'm really only close with the hostess, AC, but by the end of the night I felt very close to the other ladies there.
The grooviest ladies I know.........and Buddah :) |
Only your best friends would move you out of Chicago..on a days notice.
Kim and Claire...best night of our friendship :) |
I have my fair share of good girlfriends in my life, former roommates, childhood friends, college buddies, cross continent companions and most importantly my sisters. Each friend I have had over the years fills a different part of my life and each one has a personality all her own. I would do anything for anyone of my friends at the drop of a hat and have been known to do so. Sometimes though, you get comfortable in your friendships. You take advantage of someone's goodness or flexibility. You break plans too easily not knowing if it's the last time you may see that person. You are quick to give constructive criticism and slow to praise. You make judgment calls based on what you think you know, not what you are told. These are the times when relationships are trying with your friends, but they are worth it. So, thus the reason that women are constantly creating and maintaining new relationships. As many friends as I currently have in life, I can always use a few more.
Megan...my womb buddy...friends since birth |
Sometimes that is what we need in life, just girls, girls that don't know our entire lives...ones that
won't judge us on our past, listen with an open mind and most importantly support you...even when they barely know you. I love all of my girlfriends that I have now, ones I've had for years and years that know me inside and out, but sometimes a person that knows you too well can judge too quickly. I wish that friends wouldn't always be so quick to react, so fast to interrupt or so willing to interject their opionion when it is uncalled for. But then again what would the world be without girlfriends that are so quick to do these things? I began writing this with no ending point in mind, nor a conclusion to my rambling thoughts, but one just hit me like a ton of bricks.
Sarah, Alana, Martina, Shanna and Ashley...the showstoppers |
Ali...pre-Emily :) |
As young girls, in brownines/dasies/girl scouts, whatever it may have been, we learned a group song that can forever echo in our minds as a life motto. Anyone who was in one of these groups already knows where I am headed with this... It does not matter if the woman sitting next to you is an old friend, a new friend or even a former friend; the woman next to you may be the friend you need. So I end with the verse that as a child I would sing while holding my best friend's hand...
"Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver...and the other gold"
I love you all, ladies...new and old.
God gave me a sister with the same heart and a different mom :) |
Leanna & my baby sisser |
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