Yea, you bother me too...

Blame it on the cold meds, my raging pain or the fact that I am a bitter old hag but tonight I feel like venting.  Usually it takes people a few months of spending quality time with me to realize that there are so many people/actions/things that piss me off.  I mean things really irk me...I will stew on it until something either amazing or equally as deplorable happens.'s a short list (a very short list):

People being slow at the self checkout lane at Walmart/Kroger/Meijer.  If you don't know how to do it...then effing don't people.

Bill O'Riley. No further comment needed.

The week before Valentines Day, not because of the holiday but because it's a proven fact all men drop off the face of the Earth the two weeks before to get out of any holiday duty.  I don't want you to swoon over me buddy, in fact I really don't even want you to touch me.

Red Gatorade. You suck. Seriously.

3am the morning after I drank a bottle of wine.  You always seem to wake me up and make me miserable and thirsty.

The lady at the store last night that bought $40.00 worth of candy with foodstamps. Thanks bitch, those are my tax dollars too.

The sound of metal on metal.  It's worse than nails on a chalkboard.

Having to pretend something was great when it really wasn't.  ((See Valentines comment above.))

Cheap advertisements on television for law/credit/assorted services.  Your acting sucks just about as much as your profession does.

Hoodies with tight collars.  Cut that shit.

Lisa Lampinelli. You aren't the first white girl to date a black guy. Get a new shtick.

People with really big dogs that think they and their dogs are better than people with little dogs.  It's not the size that matters, it's the heart. And I bet your St. Bernard would love an afternoon of shopping in Nordstrom but booo-ya, that shit ain't happening.  Lala will tell you how it was.

Tequila. You make me disappoint myself.

Men that think they have game, but the truth is...they don't, we see their game, we let them play it... and the name of the game is really "I win."

xoxo- pash


  1. Oh and most importantly... People that say God D@%*. Don't take the lords name in vain, it's not his fault your life sucks.

  2. Haha, awesome. :) Although I have a little dog and he is a hyper pain in my ass.

  3. Oh- And bloggers that have CAPTCHAs on their comments. *ahem*

  4. haha....I'll look into that Miss Mommafo :)


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